
Free Children’s Lesson on Why We have Baptism

Topic: Baptism – A Special Step in Following Jesus

Bible Verse: Matthew 3:13-17 (Jesus’ Baptism)

Objective: Help children understand what baptism is, why it is important, and how it connects to Jesus.

1. Introduction: What is Baptism?

Ask the children: “Do you know what baptism is?” (Give them time to respond.)

Explanation: “Baptism is a special way that people show they love Jesus and want to follow Him. It’s like a special ceremony or action that shows we are part of God’s family.”

Activity: Ask the children if they’ve ever seen someone get baptized. Explain that baptism is often done in a church by a pastor, where the person is dipped in water.

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2. Bible Story: Jesus Is Baptized

Read Matthew 3:13-17: (Choose a child to read the passage aloud or you can read it to them.)

What happened? Jesus went to the river to be baptized by John the Baptist.

What did God say? When Jesus came out of the water, God spoke from heaven, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Why did Jesus get baptized? Jesus didn’t need to be forgiven of sins because He never sinned. But He showed us how important baptism is, and He wanted to set an example for us.

3. Why Do We Get Baptized?

Explain: “When we are baptized, we are saying to everyone that we believe in Jesus and want to follow Him. It is an outward sign of the love and change that happens inside us when we accept Jesus into our hearts.”

Activity: Show a picture of a baptism (you can find simple illustrations) and ask the children to describe what they see. Explain that the water represents cleaning and the new life in Jesus.

4. The Importance of Baptism

Teaching Point: “Baptism is a way to publicly show our decision to follow Jesus. It’s like a birthday celebration for our new life in Christ.”

Activity: Ask the children to think about why it’s important to tell others when we believe in Jesus. Let them share ideas.

Verse to Remember: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:4)

5. Practical Application: When Can We Be Baptized?

Explain: “You can be baptized when you understand what it means to follow Jesus and want to tell others that you love Him. It’s a special decision you make.”

Discuss: “If you’re thinking about getting baptized, you can talk to your pastor or a trusted adult who can help you understand even more about it.”

6. Prayer Time

Close in prayer: “Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to show us how to live. Thank You for the beautiful act of baptism, where we can show others that we love You and want to follow You. Help us always remember that baptism is about our new life with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

7. Fun Activity (Optional): “Baptism Water Art”

Materials Needed: Paper, blue markers or watercolor paints.

Activity: Have children draw a picture of baptism using blue to represent the water. You can encourage them to draw a river or water splashing around someone being baptized. As they draw, talk about how baptism is a symbol of new life.


Baptism is a special step in our relationship with God, showing others that we believe in Jesus.

Just like Jesus was baptized to show that He was God’s Son, we can be baptized to show we are following Him too!

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