Jesus Makes You Clean Matthew 23:25-26
Clean Your Glass
Matthew 23:25-26
Needed: Two clear glasses, A pitcher of water, Baggie of dirt, Pouch of Kool-aid
Two plastic spoons, a paper towel.
Good morning class. I’ve got something I would like to show you.
(Hold up the first glass.)
Can anyone tell me what it is?
What is a glass used for?
What kind of things would you put in it?
Would you drink form a dirty glass?
Let’s read a couple verses from the book of Matthew.
(Read Matthew 23;25-26)
(Hold up the first glass; fill it halfway with water. Mix in a teaspoon of the kool-aid.)
Would any of you drink this?
Do you think kool-aid is good?
Jesus said some people were like a cup, dirty on the inside.
(Hold up the second glass; fill it halfway with water. Mix a teaspoon of dirt into the water.)
Would anyone drink this?
Why not?
Jesus said that some people are full of dirty stuff, but they act like they are good when others are watching.
(Add some Kool-aid to the dirty water.)
Would you drink this now?
Why not?
It looks good doesn’t it?
What does Jesus call people who pretend to be good but do all kinds of bad things?
He calls them hypocrites.
Hypocrites tell others to do what is right, but they don’t do right themselves.
Jesus tells them to clean their cup before telling others that theirs is dirty.
Is your life dirty or clean?
How do you get it clean?
You must ask Jesus’ forgiveness of your sin.
(Pour the dirty water back into the pitcher; wipe it out with the towel.)
Jesus will wipe away all the dirt.
You know, this glass is a lot like us. A glass is useless without something good in it.
Now, what should your glass/life be filled with?
If we ask Jesus into our heart and obey his commandments- God will fill us with his spirit so that we can do great things.
Do you want to do great things for God?
Why don’t you ask him into your heart right now.
Pray: Dear God, I know I am a sinner; full of dirty things. Please forgive me, wash me and clean me. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me and for raising him from the dead. Come into my life and fill me; help me to do what is right in all situations. In Jesus name I pray, amen