
Lesson to Teach Children How to Follow Jesus

Children’s Bible Lesson: Choosing Jesus

Theme: Choosing Jesus as our Savior and Friend.

Bible Passage: Matthew 4:18-22 (The Calling of the First Disciples)


  • Help children understand the importance of choosing Jesus as their Savior.
  • Teach that following Jesus brings joy and purpose.

Opening (5-10 minutes)

  1. Welcome and Prayer:
    Begin the lesson with a simple prayer. Ask God to help the children understand the story and to make the choice to follow Jesus.

Example Prayer: “Dear Jesus, thank You for loving us. Please help us understand how important it is to follow You and make the right choice in life. Amen.”

  1. Introduction to the Theme:
    Talk to the children about choices they make every day. For example, “What do you want for lunch today?” or “Do you want to play outside or stay inside?”
    Explain that today, we will talk about the most important choice anyone can make—choosing Jesus.

Bible Story (10-15 minutes)

Read Matthew 4:18-22 (The Calling of the First Disciples):

“As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. ‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.”

  • Story Summary:
    Jesus called Simon Peter and his brother Andrew to follow Him. They were fishermen, but Jesus wanted to make them “fishers of men.” Without hesitation, they left their jobs and families to follow Jesus. Jesus also called other disciples to follow Him.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What were Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus called them? (They were fishing.)
  2. What did Jesus ask them to do? (Follow Him and become fishers of people.)
  3. How did Peter and Andrew respond? (They immediately followed Jesus.)
  4. Why do you think they chose to follow Jesus?

Teaching Points:

  1. Jesus Calls Us to Follow Him:
    • Jesus calls everyone, even us, to follow Him. It’s like an invitation to be His friend. He wants us to make the choice to follow Him.
    • Sometimes, it may mean leaving things behind (like our own plans or ideas) to follow Jesus.
  2. Choosing Jesus Brings Joy and Purpose:
    • When Peter and Andrew chose to follow Jesus, they started a new adventure. Following Jesus gives us a special purpose, just like it gave them.
    • Jesus doesn’t just want us to follow Him because it’s the right thing to do; He wants us to follow Him because it brings joy to our hearts!
  3. We Can Choose Jesus Every Day:
    • Choosing Jesus isn’t just a one-time decision. We can choose to follow Him every day in how we act, speak, and think.

Activity (10-15 minutes)

“Follow the Leader” Game:

  • Play a simple game of “Follow the Leader” to help the children understand what it means to follow Jesus. One child (the leader) can do simple actions (jumping, clapping, spinning), and the others must follow the leader. Explain that following Jesus is like this game—He shows us the right way, and we can follow Him!

Coloring Page:

  • Give the children a coloring sheet of Jesus calling the disciples, or of a simple image representing following Jesus, like footsteps or a path.

Application (5-10 minutes)

Reflecting on Choosing Jesus:

  • Ask the children:
    1. “What are some ways you can follow Jesus this week?”
    2. “Can you choose to be kind to others like Jesus would?”
    3. “Can you choose to listen to Jesus by reading the Bible or praying?”

Encourage the children to pray and ask Jesus to help them follow Him, just like the disciples did.

Closing Prayer:
“Dear Jesus, thank You for calling us to follow You. Help us choose You every day and follow You with joy in our hearts. Amen.”

Memory Verse:

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said. “I will send you out to fish for people.” – Matthew 4:19

Encourage the children to memorize this verse throughout the week. You could create a fun chant or song to help them remember.

End with a Song:

Sing a simple song that reinforces the theme of following Jesus, such as “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” or another favorite worship song for children.

Take-home Activity: Give the children a small “Follow Jesus” bookmark or a simple activity sheet they can take home. You might also suggest they share with their families about the importance of choosing Jesus.

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